
双语说河南|产销量连续五年世界第一 河南盾构机产业向世界品牌迈进

大河网 2022-05-07

On February 19, at a workshop of China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co Ltd (CREG) in the Economic and Technological Development Zone of Zhengzhou City, Central China's Henan Province, workers were disassembling a large tunnel-boring machine (TBM) for shipment to South Korea.


Starting from scratch in 2002, China's TBM industry has seen great progress in 20 years and ranked first globally in the field today.


The production technique of TBM had been kept secret by foreign countries in the past. In 1997, China spent plenty of money on two TBMs from a German company for the construction of a tunnel on the railway linking Xi'an and Ankang. In August of 2002, China's first national-level TBM production base, which was the predecessor of CREG and moved to Zhengzhou in 2009, settled in Xinxiang City of Henan Province, turning a new leaf for China's TBM development. In 2008, China's first composite TBM with independent intellectual property rights rolled off the production line in Xinxiang, which was later used for Tianjin metro construction.


Over the past 20 years, 20 production bases of CREG have been established across China, with more than 1300 TBMs safely operating for over 3,000 kilometers. Moreover, its products have been exported to 30 countries and regions, such as Singapore and Israel. CREG has been No. 1 nationwide in terms of market share for ten consecutive years, with its TBM production and sales volume topping the world for five consecutive years. It is no exaggeration to say that TBM has become a highlight of Henan and China.


来源:河南商报 记者/郭丁然  编译/赵汉青 王家琦 审校/丁岚

责编:赵惜辰  审核:张磊



